Welcome to the YOUTH and HISTORY Project’s homepage!

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teachers‘ and students‘

 (German version) 


Detailed information can be found in the book
published by the Koerber-Foundation


What is YOUTH and HISTORY?

YOUTH and HISTORY is the name of an empirical research project on
historical consciousness and political attitudes among teenagers in 27
countries in Europe and some bordering territories. It has been initiated
some 6 years ago by Magne Angvik
(Bergen, Norway) and Bodo von Borries
(Hamburg, Germany). The project group has
since grown to uniting more than 30 researchers from all participating
and different academic disciplines. 

The project’s method has been a quantitative survey using a standardized
questionnaire which was put to nearly 32,000 students. Another questionnaire
was filled out by their teachers (1,250). 

The field phase of the project lay in 1994/95. Reports and analyses
have been published since 1996 (see publication-list). 

In March 1997, a two-volume documentation, description
and analysis
of YOUTH and HISTORY was published, accompanied
by a CD-ROM containing the databases of students
and teachers. 


The YOUTH and HISTORY project group in Hamburg
(E-Mail: YOUTHIST@erzwiss.uni-hamburg.de)

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Accesses since July 29th 1997:   29/7/97 Oliver Baeck 21/6/199 A.Vollmer 


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