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am kommenden Freitag, 1.7. spricht Steven Stegers, Programmdirektor von EUROCLIO an unserer Fakultät (in englischer Sprache) unter dem Titel „A Bird‘s Eye View of History Exams across Europe. Why the assessment of Historical Competences matters“ über (kompetenzorientiertes) Prüfen und Diagnostizieren beim Geschichtslernen.

Aus der Ankündigung:

„In this presentation, Steven Stegers, the Programme Director of EUROCLIO (European Association of History Educators) will share his experience of working on history education projects across Europe. He will focus on the implications of the way assessment – especially exams – are impacting the way history is being taught. He will compare and contrast di!erent practices in terms of the relative importance of central exams: what is being assessed, and what are the aims of history education in the first place.“
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