Youth and History – Members: France
Nicole Tutiaux-Guillon
Head of research in didactic of history at the Institut Nationale de Récherche Pédagogique ({INRP}) in Paris. She received her master in history 1972; the agrégation in history 1972. She worked as a history teacher in a lycée. Since 1977 she is doing pegagogical research. She has received her D.E.A. in didactics of history 1994 and is currently working on a thesis in the same field. She has published several research reports and articles and is doing teacher training for history teachers.
Institute Nationale de Récherche Pédagogique
Dep. 3
29, rue d’Ulm
F-75230 Paris-Cedex 05
Phone: +33/1/46 34 90 89
Fax: +33/1/43 54 32 01
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