Youth and History – Members: Italy
Luigi Cajani
Researcher for History of Early Modern Times at the Università „La Sapienza“ in Rome. Areas of Research: History of Crime and Didactics of History.
Università degli studi di Roma ‚La Sapienza‘
{Studi storici dal Medioevo all‘ Età contemporanea }
Piazzale Aldo Moro 5
I-00195 Roma
Phone: +39/6/49 91 3399
Fax: +39/6/44 50 740
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Emilio Lastrucci; Prof.
studied philosophy, psychology and educational sciencesat different universities. Since 1984 he works at the University „La Sapienza“ in Rome, where he has obtained the PhD in Experimental Pedagogy. He has taken part in several international research studies in the educational field (I.E.A. Written Composition, Reading Literacy, Civic Education -, O.C.D.E., EEC, Council of Europe). He has published on national and international level, e.g. „Il cittadino e lo stato“ (Citizen and State; 1986), „Apprendere ad insegnare per insegnare ad apprendere“ (Learning to Teach for Teaching to Learn; 1989), „Leggere per capire“ (Reading for Understanding; 1995), „Formare il cittadino“ (Building the Citizen; 1996), „Imparare ed insegnare la storia“ (Learning and Teaching History; in printing).
Università degli Studi della Basilicata
Phone: +39 / 6 / 86 32 05 20
Fax: +39 / 6 / 49 91 72 10
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